I found the best Black Friday protein powder deals – the guide

I found the best Black Friday protein powder deals - the guide

When the big deals start to drop, like during the holiday shopping season, it’s easy to get overwhelmed by major discounts on electronics and big-ticket items. But it’s also a great time to look for other deals on things you might need or want to stock up on. Protein powder is a great example. And … Read more

Spinach Health Benefits: 5 Reasons to Include This Nutritious Superfood in Your Diet


Health benefits of spinach: Spinach is a powerful superfood that is packed with vital nutrients that benefit overall health and wellness. Known as one of the healthiest green leafy vegetables, spinach contains several essential nutrients including vitamins, minerals, protein and fiber that help regulate blood pressure levels and manage diabetes. Spinach is a superstar among … Read more

L-Nutra receives $47 million to advance longevity nutrition technology

L-Nutra receives $47 million to advance longevity nutrition technology

Moderna CEO Makes New Investment in Longevity Science Nutrition Program Development Company Nutrient technology company L-Nutra has successfully completed its first round of Series D fundraising, securing a total of $47 million. The company specializes in scientific longevity nutrition programs designed to promote healthy living and longevity. Founded in 2009 by the University of Southern … Read more

Providers face barriers to expanding palliative care

Providers face barriers to expanding palliative care

Progress in increasing access to quality palliative care has been hampered by barriers in policy, payment, and common misperceptions among patients and providers. Hospice providers can help patients and families at different points in their health care journey, but the fragmentation of the nation’s health care system has led to widespread access problems, according to … Read more

Industry group joins governor in opposing state’s public option, doctors group pushes back – Nevada Current

Industry group joins governor in opposing state's public option, doctors group pushes back - Nevada Current

In an ongoing battle to implement a public health care option in Nevada, an organization allied with the insurance and health care industries released a report Monday saying the public option would exacerbate the shortage of health care providers. the State and would reduce access to care. An arm of the Partnership for Americas Health … Read more

Testing the ways in which the environment can affect the taste of food or drink

Testing the ways in which the environment can affect the taste of food or drink

Credit: CC0 Public Domain A team of designers and industrial architects and a psychologist at the University of Campania in Italy have tested some of the ways that the surrounding environment can affect the taste of food or drink. The group presented at the 24th International Congress of Acoustics, a conference outlining their preliminary results … Read more

This is the most important lean protein you should eat at breakfast to boost your metabolism.

According to experts, the unexpected harm of B vitamins

The importance of breakfast and its effect on our metabolism is a widely discussed topic in the world of nutrition and health. A key aspect of a healthy breakfast is the inclusion of lean proteins. Lean proteins not only provide essential nutrients, but also play an important role in kick-starting your metabolism and preparing you … Read more

3 collagen building tips for firmer and longer skin

3 collagen building tips for firmer and longer skin

Collagen is the key to firm, firm, and flexible skin. Treat your skin like it’s literally golden, because it’s truly invaluable for youthful skin. And like any valuable asset, you want to multiply your investment. come in Collagen bank, or the concept of stimulating more collagen now so your body can use more later. Extra … Read more