Emails from Maya Kowalski’s mother suggest she put her daughter in danger (lawyers)

Emails from Maya Kowalski's mother suggest she put her daughter in danger (lawyers)

Newly revealed writings by Maya Kowalski’s mother indicate she suffered from Munchausen syndrome by proxy and put her daughter’s life in danger, lawyers said this week. In a draft of a 2015 blog post, Beata Kowalski written in her daughter’s voice, she wrote that her ketamine-induced coma could lead to “total body failure/death.” Elsewhere, still … Read more

Hospitals sue state to prevent new rules requiring charity care coverage for out-of-state residents

Hospitals sue state to prevent new rules requiring charity care coverage for out-of-state residents

The Washington State Hospital Association filed suit Monday against the state Department of Health over a proposed rule allowing out-of-state patients to receive charity care , saying such a policy would make medical care harder to access and more expensive for Washington residents. This requires hospitals to provide free or discounted care to anyone, anywhere. … Read more