Demand for Ozempic and Wegovy increases illegal sales of weight-loss drugs

Demand for Ozempic and Wegovy increases illegal sales of weight-loss drugs

Growing demand for Ozempic and Wegovy, made by Novo Nordisk, has fueled a rise in illegal sales of weight-loss drugs in Denmark, where the pharmaceutical company is based, the Danish Medicines Agency reported. The agency said in a statement released Tuesday that authorities are aware of 26 websites illegally selling what they claim to be … Read more

‘It looks illegal’: Starbucks barista adds blueberries to drink orders so he can get them for free

'It looks illegal': Starbucks barista adds blueberries to drink orders so he can get them for free

A Starbucks barista has revealed that she orders blueberries with all her drinks at the coffee chain so she can have them for free. This information comes from Lauren (@chimmminnie@chimmminnie), the creator of Washington State, which has collected over 48,400 views in its first day on the platform. Lauren was previously featured on the Daily … Read more