Emails from Maya Kowalski’s mother suggest she put her daughter in danger (lawyers)

Emails from Maya Kowalski's mother suggest she put her daughter in danger (lawyers)

Newly revealed writings by Maya Kowalski’s mother indicate she suffered from Munchausen syndrome by proxy and put her daughter’s life in danger, lawyers said this week. In a draft of a 2015 blog post, Beata Kowalski written in her daughter’s voice, she wrote that her ketamine-induced coma could lead to “total body failure/death.” Elsewhere, still … Read more

State economists struggle to put a price tag on proposed constitutional amendment on abortion

State economists struggle to put a price tag on proposed constitutional amendment on abortion

State economists appear skeptical that they will be able to put a price tag on a proposed constitutional amendment to protect abortion access by November, if the measure makes it to the 2024 ballot. The quartet of state economists, serving on the Financial Impact Estimation Conference (FIEC), said the Supreme Court was unlikely to rule … Read more

World Mental Health Day: ‘Keep a mental first aid kit at home, put in it everything that makes you happy,’ says Pune city psychologist

mental health

Mental health is a human right and for Dr Kinjal Goyal, a Pune-based psychologist and writer, it is this belief that drives her to work towards increasing awareness of the role psychology plays in everyday life. Only then can we accept and understand mental health disorders and treat them fairly and objectively, says Dr Goyal … Read more