Counterfeit versions of the “next Ozempic” retatrutide are being peddled by the Chinese site, even though the real version will not be approved until at least 2026.

Counterfeit versions of Eli Lilly's retatrutide, hailed as potential 'new Ozempic,' sold directly to US consumers

Counterfeit versions of Eli Lilly’s retatrutide, hailed as a potential “new Ozempic,” are being sold directly to U.S. consumers through Chinese websites, although regulatory approval remains years away. Hundreds of marketers are offering the new drug to buyers in the United States through websites such as and, the Wall Street Journal reports. Some … Read more

The Very Real Story of How One Woman Avoided a National Tragedy by Doing Her Job

The Very Real Story of How One Woman Avoided a National Tragedy by Doing Her Job

Dr. Frances Oldham Kelsey had only been working at the Food and Drug Administration for about a month when she was assigned to review a drug called thalidomide for distribution in America. Marketed as a sedative for pregnant women, thalidomide was already available in Canada, Germany and several African countries. This could have been a … Read more